Value Liberalism

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  How to achieve societal values?

Societal values ​​should be defined through a national consultation, but we must also think about how we can get the greatest possible connection to them so that they are followed in practice. Three paths are especially important. The first is active opinion formation, which can best be done by involving various organizations in this matter. The other way is through school and youth activities. It has already been stated that the transfer of the basic principles and values ​​of democracy is one of the school's main tasks, along with imparting knowledge. Diversity-oriented and other societal values ​​of the kind described under the tab 'Values' fit well into this main task for the school.

A few years ago, the Swedish Schools Inspectorate examined how the schools carried out this task. The Swedish Schools Inspectorate's report shows that in many places there is great uncertainty about what should be considered included in this value base. Democracy and the equal value of all people are of course included, but what comes next? In diversity liberalism, we have a concrete and elaborate view of what should be included.

A third way to achieve compliance with the societal values ​​is to identify significant deviations from these values ​​and for society to react to such. In cases where the valuations are also enshrined in law, there is already a procedure for this, but valuations of the kind described under the tab 'Valuations' can hardly be made the subject of legislation.

A realistic way would instead be to set up a special committee, perhaps with the Press' opinion committee as a model, where the task for the new committee would be to take a position on specific cases and make public statements about them. This should be valuable as a complement to the usual opinion-forming activities.