Value Liberalism

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  Important: These English-language pages have been translated from Swedish using Google Translate, but manual post-editing will also be required. It has not yet been done; this work is in progress.

Introduction to Value Liberalism

To get an idea of ​​what value liberalism is all about, you should first read the page "Why liberalism" under the heading "About us", if not already have done it. That page explains the reasons for being interested liberalism in general.

In the next step, two possibilities are offered. If you want to read some easy to read pages that do not require too much effort are recommended to visit them following the tabs in the submenu on the left, ie from 'Values' to 'Value Nationalism'. Anyone who instead wants a concise and more systematic description is recommended to read the following article: red-194   En värdeliberal grundsyn. Utvidgad och reviderad version.
Erik Sandewall i Argument och Fakta,   2020-07-06

After this article, it is recommended to visit the pages below 'Value liberalism - theses' and under 'Diversity liberalism'.

The following are some current debate posts that support the thinking around value liberalism:
2019-09-20: pan-15800    Har liberalismen plats för heder och samvete?.
Johan Wennström: i SvD.