Value Liberalism

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Societal values ​​and attitudes

Summary of proposals

Samhällsgrundande värderingar och förhållningssätt
red-164  / 2020-07-20

Specific values ​​and attitudes

Dominans eller samförstånd
red-142  (2018-09-29).

Ansvarskänsla och lojalitet som samhällsgrundande värderingar
red-162  (2019-07-22).

Samhället måste kunna agera mot etnoreligiös avsöndring och gruppegoism
red-468  / 2019-09-25

Förekommande definitioner av den svenska likavärdeprincipen
red-102  (2017-10-08).
The purpose of this article is to review the definitions actually used for the expression "equal value of all human beings". By "definition" I mean everyone try to explain the meaning of the expression using the Swedish language. Explanations that see the expression as a translation from another language are thus taken not up here.

Definition and defense of societal values

Vad betyder det att försvara svenska värderingar?
red-044  (2016-10-01).
'Swedish values ​​need to be defended' wrote Anna Kinberg Batra and Andreas Norlén in Svenska Dagbladet on June 6, 2016. The challenges against these values was said to come primarily from 'fundamentalist and traditionalist forces' which has grown strong in areas of exclusion '. In this article discusses I first what values ​​are and how they can change. From that starting point, I then discuss the possibilities for change, first hand in terms of the values ​​mentioned in Kinberg-Batra's article

Diskussionen om svenska värderingar måste vara inkluderande
red-038  (2016-07-21).
It is unfortunate that the current discussion about 'Swedish values' come to be so much about facing extremism. The basic problem in terms of the physical and cultural exclusion is instead that of its members is outside the open discussion about Swedish values, whether it happens in the daily press, on social media, or (I guess) in association life.